With awards season right around the corner, critics, blogs and media outlets with an eye on cinema are pumping out best-of the year lists with the verve of elves on Christmas Eve. ColumbiaPictures《社交网路》(TheSocialNetwork)颁奖季节即将来临,关注影院的评论家、博主和各路媒体纷纷本着圣诞精灵的娱乐精神推出了各自的年度最佳榜单。
Summer is a social season. So take advantage of occasions like golf outings and neighborhood get-togethers to expand your professional network. 夏季社交活动频繁,求职者应充分利用打高尔夫球、与邻居聚会等机会,扩大人脉关系。
COEN I am a little foggy not just on "redeeming social value" but on what the play season is. 科恩:我不仅对什么是“履行社会价值”有点云里雾里的,而且对什么是戏剧季也摸不着头脑。
One of the favourite watering-places of the Victorians He always took the waters at Parr after his strenuous social season. 维多利亚时代的人最喜欢去的一个矿泉疗养地.社交忙季过后他常去矿泉胜地帕尔疗养。
I want to share with you7 great ways to be more social during the upcoming holiday season. 在即将到来的假日季节,我将同你分享7种相当不错的方法,令你更加社交化。
He always took the waters at Parr after his strenuous social season. 社交忙季过后他常去矿泉胜地帕尔疗养。
I mean, really, this is the social event ofthe season. 我是说,这是这一季的社会活动。
Foods, diurnal rhythms and social behaviour of argali during summer season at yanchiwan, gansu Province 甘肃盐池湾盘羊夏季食性日活动时间节律及社群行为的研究
With the social development, product updates faster and faster, there are more and more Perishable Product and the season product. 随着社会的发展,产品的更新的速度越来越快,市场中具有季节性和易逝性特征的产品越来越多。